South Carolina Truck Accident Lawyers

A South Carolina truck accident lawyer from the team at Rikard & Protopapas can assist you if you have been hurt in a collision involving a truck. Our experienced lawyers represent accident victims and their families in claims for compensation. If you or a loved one has been injured, please contact us for a case consultation.

Why Choose Our Attorneys for Your Truck Accident Case?

Our truck accident lawyers are currently taking new cases. We represent people throughout South Carolina. With a large legal team and more than 1,600 satisfied clients, we have the resources that get results. To see how we can help you, call or message us to talk about your case.

Compensation for Truck Accident Victims Across South Carolina

  • Truck accident victims may receive financial compensation.
  • A collision doesn’t have to happen on purpose for victims to get compensated. Many claims are based on negligence or a lack of reasonable care under the circumstances.
  • To receive financial compensation, a victim must bring a claim.
  • For a victim, it can be hard to know who has legal fault or how to go about bringing a claim. A lawyer can represent you. We can represent you.
  • At Rikard & Protopapas, we serve truck accident victims and their families. We take care of the investigation, legal documents, strategy, negotiations, and presenting your case.
  • Our team handles claims in all South Carolina courts. We represent residents and visitors.

The compensation that you receive can be an important part of your healing and future. Each case is different, so we thoroughly investigate and customize every case plan.

Injuries in trucking accidents are often serious, and you may claim financial compensation for non-economic damages as well as your monetary losses. The trucking company doesn’t want you to know what your claim is worth. Get a customized case evaluation by contacting the Rikard & Protopapas South Carolina truck accident lawyers today.

Truck Accident Cases We Handle

Truck accidents happen in many different circumstances. Here are some of the types of cases we handle.

Speeding, too fast for conditions

Truck drivers must appropriately evaluate traffic, road conditions, weather, and any other relevant factors. Driving too fast for conditions or speeding above a posted speed limit reduces reaction time and may result in a crash. Speed violations can amount to negligence and create legal liability.

Traffic violations

Rules of the road apply to truck drivers. Improper lane changes, traffic light violations, and turning without the right of way are all driving errors that can cause harm to victims.


An underride occurs when a passenger vehicle collides with a truck and then slides under the truck. Safety features may not work, or they may not be helpful when an underride crash occurs. Victims may suffer serious injury or death.


A rear-end collision may occur when a truck is following too close behind a passenger vehicle. Trucks have a blind spot in front of their vehicles. When they don’t leave enough room, they may not have time to stop before hitting the passenger vehicle at a high rate of speed.

Inadequate vehicle maintenance

Commercial trucks must be inspected and kept in good working condition. Inadequate maintenance can result in mechanical failure and loss of control. Brakes or tires may fail. Mirrors or lights that aren’t maintained may cause a driving error and a collision.

Rollover accidents

Truck drivers should understand how a large truck handles differently than a passenger vehicle. Rollover accidents may result from driving too fast for conditions, steep inclines, turning too fast, or overcorrecting. We investigate the underlying causes of a rollover accident.


When a truck jackknifes, it can slide into another lane or oncoming traffic. The driver may quickly lose control of the truck, blocking lanes and striking vehicles.

Cargo and load problems

Trucks often carry heavy loads. Cargo must be safely secured. Items may fall from the truck, or they may create an imbalance that causes the trailer to sway. A driver may be struck by an object, or they may lose control trying to avoid a hazard.

Drunk driving

A drunk driver who is behind the wheel of a truck poses a danger to everyone around them. A civil claim is about the victim’s compensation. Bringing a claim doesn’t depend on the authorization or outcome of criminal charges. We can help you pursue justice and the financial recovery you deserve.

Wrongful death

When a trucking accident results in a fatality, surviving family members may bring a wrongful death claim. The legal standards in South Carolina are the same – if the victim could have had a claim for personal injury if they had survived, survivors may claim for wrongful death. Our legal team handles wrongful death claims.

It’s About Your Compensation

A truck accident claim is about your compensation. You deserve to be compensated when you are hurt by the acts, omissions, or wrongs of others. The amount that you receive should reflect the severity of harm you have endured, including your pain and suffering.

Without a lawyer, you may not know what your claim is worth, how to value your losses, or how to prove your case. Our experienced team has built a reputation for a trusted, well-rounded practice, helping clients achieve results and providing a thoughtful experience for each person we are honored to represent.

About Our Experienced Lawyers

Our South Carolina truck accident lawyers:

  • Have a 97% success rate. We take tough cases, and we succeed.
  • Are a team of ten lawyers strong, with a large staff to meet your needs and communicate.
  • Understand the specific issues and needs in truck accident claims.
  • Have recovered millions of dollars in judgments and settlements for our clients.
  • Customize our work to your needs. We’re not one-dimensional. Expect us to know your case thoroughly.
  • Meet with clients in our offices, virtually, at the hospital, and in other convenient places.
  • Handle claims statewide. We know the courts, the challenges, and the path to success.
  • Never charge for a consultation. See if you have a case with no risk.

When you’re a victim of a truck accident, your life has changed. A crash often impacts the entire family. Our team works to prove the full extent of your losses, building your claim for compensation, and advocating for your interests.

We Navigate Complex Truck Accident Cases

Truck accident cases are different from other accident claims in several important respects.

Commercial trucking regulations

The trucking industry is highly regulated at both state and federal levels. These regulations may be important when it comes to investigating the causes of the crash and fault. We understand these regulations and how they may impact your case.

Severe injuries and high damages

Truck accident victims often face severe injuries. We make sure current and future damages are a part of the case. Disfigurement, lifestyle impact, mental injury, physical suffering, and long-term expenses should all be claimed.

Complex fault

The causes of a collision may need to be investigated. Accident reconstruction experts may identify the factors leading to the collision. We know how to investigate, evaluate the legal standards, and build the proofs in your case.

Commercial issues

Because trucking companies are businesses, a compensation claim may involve commercial insurance policies, out-of-state defendants, employee training and management, and other issues. We’re prepared to address these challenges.

As experienced litigators, we focus on complex cases. We identify the issues that are critical in your case, creating a plan and fully pursuing your interests.

How Our Lawyers Assist You

As your legal representatives in your truck accident compensation claim, we can:

  • Investigate
  • Preserve evidence
  • Determine who is at fault
  • Value your damages
  • Draft legal paperwork
  • Prove each element of the case
  • Create a legal strategy
  • Use legal discovery procedures
  • Represent you in court
  • Negotiate your settlement
  • Present your case at trial
  • Answer your questions

Our full-service personal injury lawyers in South Carolina take care of all the needed steps, both inside and outside the courtroom. We’re investigators, evaluators, legal technicians, strategists, negotiators, and more. We have successfully recovered compensation through negotiated settlements and trial verdicts. Whatever your needs, we’re prepared to serve your legal interests.

Free Consultations

Consultations with the truck collision attorneys at Rikard & Protopapas are always free. We believe that free consultations are important to allow prospective clients to learn about their case and get to know our legal team. At your consultation, learn about the law, how our lawyers may assist you, and what to expect from a legal claim. There’s never a cost for an initial consultation with a South Carolina truck accident lawyer at Rikard & Protopapas.

Contingency Fees

We handle cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that you can afford a lawyer. Ask how our fees work and see what we would recommend for you. Our fee agreements are always in writing.

Contact a Truck Accident Attorney in South Carolina

Our South Carolina truck accident lawyers are taking new cases now. We’re here to help you navigate this situation and receive the financial recovery that you deserve. Contact a lawyer and start your case for compensation. Call or message us at Rikard & Protopapas now.

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